Ahmed "Anddo" Brik is a danger to children.

We are a group of individuals that have been personally targeted by Anddo for over six years. We've collected countless pieces of evidence against him and hope to spread the word about him. Anddo is a dangerous man and should not be allowed on the internet, nor near children. Please take the time to hear us out and spread the word. We would really appreciate it!

He poses as transgender and a minor to get his victims closer to him. Anddo likes to target victims with low self-esteem from discord servers and gets very clingy.

Ahmed "Anddo" Brik is a 26-year-old man who targets teens from the age range from 12-17 and talks to them for years to get comfortable with him.

Anddo will typically compare himself to his victims, whether it be through supposed life circumstances, all the way to taste in music, in an attempt to sound relatable.

These are the past names/usernames he has gone by.

  • tacticute

  • service ghost

  • char

  • frost

  • ngselection

  • st_giga

  • cryptid

  • anddogx

  • jack

  • annon

  • coo

He frequently changes his aliases when he is caught.

He also tries to meet up with most of his victims, or at least discuss meeting IN REAL LIFE. Anddo will attempt to buy you cute items or things you like to get your personal information (such as house address) and save it.

This part is hefty and contains a lot of evidence against Anddo. We will try to keep things organized for better viewing.Warnings for mentions of grooming, pedophilia, catfishing, and guilt tripping.

PART ONE: Stalking/Catfishing/Misc.

The following messages are from Anddo, as he makes alternate accounts and messages to people who have cut him off. He would try to reconnect as either himself or try to catfish.

PART TWO: Manipulation

Here is a collection of Anddo manipulating and guilt-tripping his victims. Here, he is also performing his "reward system" tactic, where he ghosts his victims and expects them to beg for him to come back.

PART THREE: Grooming and Sexual Perversion

Anddo has an extensive history of porn addiction, grooming minors, and behaviors that are highly provocative. Some of the victims have experienced the more extreme side of his sexual tendencies while others simply get sexualized behind their backs.
Warning: this part contains mentions of rape, grooming, leaked nudes, and more. Read at your own risk.

PART FOUR: Testimonies

Here are some personal experiences with Anddo that a handful of victims have dealt with.WARNING: These testimonies contain mentions of rape, grooming, leaked nudes, impregnation, manipulation, transphobia, and more. Read at your own risk.

Victim 1

Back in mid 2014 Anddo added me on Facebook through a private meme group and we started talking, a relationship formed pretty fast and we kept most of it a secret from our circle. He was completely aware I was 15 at the time and didn't really care, he'd often sent me hentai/lolicon to describe the things he wanted to do to me. Fast forward to 2015 and he'd talk about saving up to finally meet me to take my virginity which even at the time freaked me out but I didn't know what to do, I felt trapped at that point and sexually charged convos were getting worse to the point where he was asking for suggestive photos of me which I did send.
He was very controlling towards me. He didn't like me wearing makeup or having my nails painted because it make me look/seem mature. He also hated it when I would hang out with my irl male friends and would accuse me of cheating. He would threaten to leave me if I didn't block certain people he didn't want me to talk to as well.
He ghosted me regularly to get a reaction, he loved seeing me beg for him to come back and sometimes the ghosting would go on for weeks. Even when my 17th birthday was coming up he ghosted me. I was stupid enough to give him my address because he always talked about wanting to send me gifts, infact one of my "birthday presents" was just him revealing his name to me, this was in July 2015.
My friend who was 16 at the time sent me screenshots of Anddo confessing his love to her and telling her he always had feelings for her, their convo turned sexual and he admitted to masturbating while chatting to her. Ofc after seeing those screenshots I confronted him and broke the relationship off for good on Oct 21st 2015.
Since then he has harassed me on multiple burner accounts on Deviantart, tried to guilt trip me to come back and sent me threats/telling me he hoped I would die. Every so often he will contact me telling me he's sorry etc and still wants to be friends, even as recent as June 2021.
He made an account pretending to be someone else just to have a "friendship" with me. Meanwhile he was privately messaging his friends disgusting sexual stuff about me and leaking the suggestive photos of me I sent to him years ago. I've tried exposing him in the past on Deviantart around 2017(?) where he was mostly active but no one really listened and a majority of the receipts have since been lost.

Victim 2

I met Anddo when I was 15 turning 16 and in a really rough spot in my life. Anddo immediately felt comfortable and was being portrayed as being a female with me. After I was comfortable with Anddo he told me he was 19 when i was 15. I found out he was really 21 from one of his friends and at the time I didnt realize the issue between our age gap. Anddo would ignore me for weeks at a time after becoming close and making sure I would see his status online so I’d message him desperately begging him to come back. In return he was sending screenshots of me begging him to come back to his friends and bragging about it. Anddo would beg me to tell him i loved him. I was desperate and ended up dating anddo for a short period of time and sent explicit pictures at that time when i was 15. Anddo brags about having them backed up to other people. Over the years ive had a problem with forgiving him too easily and coming back. Over the years ive been exploited by Anddo and talked shit about behind my back by him. The whole time I’ve known Anddo and was close with him I was underage. I’ve come to terms with the whole situation from a bigger perspective and have called Anddo out on what he’s done which has resulted in him running and changing usernames. He has also told me that he runs from multiple girls online and makes new accounts to keep the ones that are more easily manipulated.

Victim 3

I met Anddo in 2017/2018 unaware of his history or even of the people he was targeting at the same time he was targeting me. He was really nice from the start and always relating to my niche interests and telling me how much he understood me. This was at a pretty sad time in my life so I felt like he was someone I could rely on and depend on to be there for me. He always said things like we are so similar or we are like the same person and you are such a role model to me or i want to like all the things you like pretty much stuff that made me feel a lot closer to him like I could trust him. He lovebombed me all the time and wanted me to tell him that I loved him within our first week of being friends even though we hardly knew each other. I even told him back then at the start that I was not interested in a relationship at all and I just wanted to be friends. He would still say things like I want to marry you or you are my wife or that he is obsessed with me. I brushed it off and assumed we were just playing around thinking maybe it was a silly quirky way of joking or relating.
Also I am a huge people pleaser and Anddo took total advantage over that aspect. He knew I would do anything to make him happy and that I hated disappointing others in my life. He was always asking me to say I love you or to ask me for pictures. It was really hard to say no to any of that. It started gradually with pictures of my hobbies or interests and then more personal with a face reveal. Then he would always ask me for pictures of myself or of me doing certain things. He would send me pictures of himself in thigh highs and short shorts in suggestive poses. One time he asked me to take a picture of my feet in socks with a funny message on a piece of paper next to it. He asked to see my feet and various parts of my body disguising it as being something silly or quirky and that this is what friends do. He started putting pictures of me as his phone wallpaper. No respect for my boundaries at all but I always did what I could to make him happy because I worried about his mental health. But I could not keep up with it forever and whenever I was busy or away he would get extremely clingy and spam me with messages and guilt me for being away from him. I did not want to call him all the time anymore and was starting to feel uncomfortable. The first time I distanced myself he called me while I was working to tell me that he had harmed himself because of me. I eventually started dating someone in my personal life and he showed his true colors to me after this being very possessive and angry and aggressive and accusing me of being a horrible person for going behind his back and dating after I told him
I did not want to date him at all. After this he deleted me off everything and we stopped being friends. Then he came back a few months later and asked for forgiveness and that he would be better. I accepted his apology and made him promise that he would respect me. I will say that Anddo was nice to me for a majority of the time I knew him. I wanted to help him and be his friend. I only recently learned of his patterns of behavior and the similarities between my experience and other victim's experience is really shocking and disappointing. He was targetting multiple people at once and hoarding everybody's pictures and videos. He is not the nice person he pretends to be. He skinwalks all his victims and takes on their personalities to get closer. Notice the exact same pattern of behavior.

Victim 4

Anddo basically started talking to both my ex and I when we were 16. he would sit in video group calls with us and we would talk about whatever. After my ex cut me off, he ended up making a callout post about me. I lost a lot of friends, but Anddo messaged me shortly after the incident and checked up on me, hoping I was okay. I was 17 at that time, and he was presumably 21, though the age doesn't match up now since it was 4 years ago. Regardless, we started our relationship, and it instantly became a sexual one the moment we started "dating". He took advantage of the fact that I am hypersexual and would ask me to flash my tits, send nude pics/vids, and have "e-sex". He would send me unsolicited dick pics all the time, even when I'm having a normal conversation with him. During calls, he would just start jacking off, even when I told him I wasn't horny. After our calls, he wouldn't message me for weeks, and sometimes even for months. I would make Youtube videos or try to find him on other socials just to get his attention. and when I finally did get his attention, it was probably only for an hour or so. then it's back to being ghosted.
Anddo was also against my goals on medically transitioning. I would bring up wanting to go on testosterone and maybe even getting top surgery, and he would discourage me from doing so, saying that he'd rather me "keep my tits". It still to this day gives me really bad gender dysphoria. I also found out recently that he would refer to me as "she" behind my back.
Every time we called, we would "e-sex", or masturbate on a call together. He would talk about wanting to rape me and get me pregnant. I was raped last year, and I told him this. He still continued to talk about his rape fantasies about me and would talk about forcefully impregnating me.

Victim 5

For me, with Anddo, it never got to anything sexual, but from what I can remember I was 14/15 and he was I think 21 at least? He would constantly try to play the victim and be a huge pick-me guy and shit talk other girls he talked to at the time, even if I didn't know them personally. I had a girlfriend at the time as well, which I believe was most likely the main reason why he never pushed it to be overly sexual, but regardless he still asked if I could tell him I loved him and we made plans to meet up someday as well.
He also asked to send me a bunch of stuff which I finally gave in because I felt really bad and he ended up buying me some really cheap shitty bracelet off of Amazon that broke the first time I wore it, but he was able to get my address off of that.
We video called before too where only I had my camera on where god knows what he was doing while I was mindless talking to him. (Probably just jacking off to be fair) We would send selfies back and forth too a bit.
When I found out he was lying to me about his age he went and freaked and started spreading shit about one of my close friends who was also talking to at the time, which led to an argument and a bunch of misconceptions between us, and just generally a lot of confusion. I'm guess he does that to try and split up friendships? So that people will run to him and cling to him? I don't really know.

PART FIVE: Anddo Experiment

This is a very recent experiment that has occurred. As of this writing, the day is the 28th of December, 2021, and this experiment began on the 23rd of December, 2021.We received word from an anonymous source that Anddo was still active on a Discord account that has still been in use since the creation of his callout back in October 2021.Then, multiple decoys began to contact him, to see if Anddo would target them, by pretending to be teenage girls (15 and 16-year-olds), and how quickly it could happen.

To our surprise, he didn't question the legitimacy of the decoys.